Company disclosure

Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited: Correction and update on share capital in connection with share issuance from bond conversion

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 6 November 2024: Reference is made the stock exchange announcement by Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited (the…

Company disclosure

SEAPT: Notification of major shareholding

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Company disclosure

Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited: Share issuance from bond conversion, new share capital and mandatory notification of trade by primary insider

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 4 November 2024: Reference is made to the 3 year USD 28.658 million subordinated unsecured convertible bond…

Company disclosure

Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited: Third Quarter 2024 Operational and Financing Update

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 30 October 2024: Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited ("Seacrest Petroleo" or the…

Company disclosure

Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited: Resignation of Pedro Magalhães from Board of Directors

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 23 October 2024: Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited (“Seacrest Petroleo” or the “Company”) announces…

Company disclosure

SEAPT: Notification of Major Holdings

Please see attachment on

Company disclosure

Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited – Financing update

NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 17 October 2024: Reference is made to the announcement by Seacrest…

Company disclosure

SEAPT: Notification of Major Holdings

Please see attachment on

Company disclosure

Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited – Update on Convertible Bonds and mandatory notification of trade by primary insiders

NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 4 October 2024: Reference is made to the announcements by Seacrest…

Company disclosure

Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited: Appointment of Thomas Kandel as interim Chief Financial Officer

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 30 September 2024: Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited (“Seacrest Petroleo” or the “Company”)…

Company disclosure

Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited: Bondholder adoption of proposed amendment

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 26 September 2024: Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited (“Seacrest Petroleo” or the “Company”) provides…

Company disclosure

Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited: Update regarding Convertible Bonds and Summons for Written Resolutions of Bondholders

NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Hamilton, Bermuda, 19 September 2024: Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited (“Seacrest…

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